Working partnerships with ITT Providers

During this programme, there will be opportunities to explore and share current mathematical developments and consider their implications for ITT providers and Maths Hubs in order to help trainees transition into teaching mathematics effectively.

As this project moves into its third year, it builds upon the best practice of ITT providers and Maths Hubs who are continuing to develop ways of working together to support ITT trainees as they start their career.

Who can take part?

Lead participants from the ITT community should be directly involved in ITT with a responsibility for maths. It is expected that these participants will represent the various ITT providers across the hub region so may include HEI, SCITT and School Direct, and represent different phases of ITT including EYTS, QTS (primary and secondary), and post-16.

What is involved?

Activity will be in the form of Work Groups, with the design of the collaborative working continuing to evolve. It may include working across hub boundaries and collaborating in larger regions. Activity may include:

  • Local network meetings leading to partnership work focusing on key issues for the group e.g. ITT core content framework, strengthening understanding of mastery pedagogy, progression into Early Career Framework etc.
  • Local network meetings that review the principles of teaching for mastery, share ITE units that focus on this (new for 20/21), consider adapting them for local use and how they sit within a wider maths programme
  • Working with those delivering maths provision to observe lessons with Mastery Specialists to then review implications for provision
  • Developing the subject specific expertise of mentors to support trainees in mastery-related maths lesson design.

What will you learn?

Participants and their institutions will:

  • deepen understanding of, and involvement in, the work of their local Maths Hub and the Maths Hubs Network, along with their knowledge of the principles of teaching for mastery and how they relate to classroom practice
  • review practices and programmes, aiming to ensure trainees have some understanding of lesson design informed by mastery principles
  • develop planning which includes reference to the principles of teaching for mastery and is further enhanced by opportunities to observe Mastery Specialists’ lessons with a follow up discussion.

What is the cost?

The Working Partnerships with ITT Providers project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating institutions.

How can I get involved?

We will be running open classroom sessions for ITT leads - if you would like to register your interest for these sessions, please click on the link below to complete a short form.

Open Classrooms for ITT Leads